We gathered at the St. Angela Academy school building on Berrie road for a final farewell. We learned that the structure would be torn down shortly. Many of us toured the desolate structure, trying to cover the soiled walls and broken floors with our visions of what once was.

St. Angela Academy closed in 1988. Later, it was sold to a Mr. Conte (according to information in the Augusta Chronicle), who converted the school to a combination barn, stable, and training facility for horses.

The photographs on this page are thumbnails. If you click inside the thumbnail image, you can see the more detailed larger version.

A view of the gymnasium towards the doorway leading to the front of the school.

Another view of the gymnasium, from that doorway, towards the stage. Notice the "PEP CLUB" area marked on the wall below the window.

Remember walking from the front hallway, through a double doorway, then down this long hallway towards the library? On the right was an entrance to the Office, and farther down, the Guidance office.

I removed this sign from the top of the doorway to the Guidance office.

This picture actually shows two classroom, from whose windows you could look out to Berrie Road. The wall separating the two rooms was removed to provide one large area for horses.

Across the hall was the science lab.

This is the classroom you would enter to the left, just before coming to the library.
In this corner of the library was the magazine stand.

One last group picture. Is that Elvis in the background?

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